The seminar meets on Fridays 2:30pm--4:30pm at Fine Hall 314 (Princeton).
Organizers: Greg Andreychev, Vadim Vologodsky, and Bogdan Zavyalov
Spring | ||||
1 | January 26 | G. Andreychev | Introductory Talk | |
2 | February 2 | M. Morrow | Recollections on K-theory | |
3 | February 9 | A. Krause | Dualizable Categories | |
4 | February 16 | J. Lurie | Efimov K-theory | |
5 | February 23 | G. Bosco | Analytic Animated Rings | |
6 | March 1 | T. Moulinos | Trace Class Maps and Nuclearity | |
7 | March 22 | S. Howe | Analytic Adic Spaces and Descent | |
8 | April 2 | J. E. Rodriguez Camargo | Solid 6-functor Formalism in Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry | |
9 | April 5 | E. Reinecke | Nuc(X) is dualizable | |
10 | April 12 | L. Tang | Nisnevich Descent for K-theory | |
11 | April 19 | S. Gilles | Etale Hyperdescent | |
12 | April 26 | V. Vologodsky | Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch, Part I | |
13 | May 3 | M. Kubrak | Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch, Part II |
Useful links:
1) Condensed math:
[CS] Lectures on Condensed Mathematics (aka the first condensed lecture notes), D. Clausen and P. Scholze
[CS2] Lectures on Analytic Geometry (aka the second condensed lecture notes), D. Clausen and P. Scholze
[A1] Pseudocoherent and Perfect Complexes and Vector Bundles on Analytic Adic Spaces, G. Andreychev
2) K-theory:
[Heb] Lecture Notes for Algebraic and Hermitian K-Theory, F. Hebestreit
[Hoy] K-Theory of Dualizable Categories (After A. Efimov), M. Hoyois
[Cla] IHES Lectures on Efimov K-theory, Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, D. Clausen
3) K-theory of adic spaces and Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch:
[A2] K-Theorie adischer Raume, G. Andreychev
[CS3] Condensed Mathematics and Complex Geometry (aka the third condensed lecture notes) [the relevant material is Lectures XIV and XV], D. Clausen and P. Scholze