Mixed Hodge Modules Reading Group, 2021

This is a reading group on mixed Hodge modules. The hope is to get some understanding of the theory of mixed hodge modules.

The seminar meets on Tuesdays 10am--12:00am at MPI.


Before The Break
1 October 7 E. Reinecke D-modules
2 October 14 T. Wehrhan Operations on D-modules I
3 October 21 T. Wehrhan Operations on D-modules II
4 October 28 B. Zavyalov Kashiwara's equivalence
5 November 2 B. Zavyalov Holonomic D-modules
6 November 9 G. Andreychev 6-functor formalism for D-modules
7 November 16 G. Andreychev Riemann--Hilbert correspondence
8 November 23 M. Zhang Vanishing cycles & gluing for perverse sheaves
9 November 30 M. Zhang Vanishing cycles & gluing for perverse sheaves II
10 December 7 M. Kubrak V-filtration & vanishing cycles for D-modules
11 December 13 M. Kubrak V-filtration & vanishing cycles for D-modules II

After The Break
12 January 18 J. Simental Hodge structures & variations of Hodge structures
13 January 25 J. Simental Hodge structures & variations of Hodge structures II
14 January 31 H. Guo Variations of Hodge structures on curves
15 February 7 H. Guo Variations of Hodge structures on curves II
15 February 14 H. Guo Variations of Hodge structures on curves III
15 February 28 H. Guo Polarizable Hodge modules on curves
16 March, 7 E. Reinecke Pure Hodge modules
17 March, 11 E. Reinecke Pure Hodge modules II
18 March, 22 M. Kubrak Application of Hodge Modules
19 March, 29 B. Zavyalov Mixed Hodge Modules

Here are some references that may be useful:

Other Seminars

[M] D-Modules and Mixed Hodge Modules, notes by Takumi Murayama from the seminar at the University of Michigan
[MPI] Seminar on mixed Hodge modulesm, MPI
[NM] Graduate Seminar on Hodge Modules, Northeastern University and MIT
[H] Seminar on Mixed Hodge Modules, Harvard
[Mil] Reading seminar on D-Modules and Mixed Hodge Modules, Univeristy of Milano


[HTT] D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory, Hotta, Takeuchi, and Tanisaki
[K] D-modules and microlocal calculus, M. Kashiwara
[B] Algebraic Theory of D-modules, Bernstein's notes
[G] Lectures on D-modules, Ginzburg's notes
[S] Introduction to the Theory of D-modules, Sabbah's notes

Riemann-Hilbert Correspondance

[C] Classical Motivation for the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondance, B. Conrad's notes
[W] D-modules and the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence, minor thesis of C. Wang

Variations of Hodge Structures

[SZ] Variation of mixed Hodge structure, J. Steenbrink and S. Zucker
[V] Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry, C. Voisin
[Schm] Variation of Hodge structure: the singularities of the period mapping, W. Schmid

Mixed Hodge Modules

[SS] The MHM Project, C. Sabbah and C. Schnell
[Schn] An overview of Morihiko Saito's theory of Mixed Hodge Modules, C. Schnell
[Sab] Introduction to Mixed Hodge Modules, C. Sabbah
[S0] A young person's guide to mixed Hodge Modules, M. Saito
[S1] Modules de Hodge polarisables, M. Saito
[S2] Mixed Hodge modules, M. Saito
[S3] On the definition of mixed Hodge modules, M. Saito